LeonEdu will cease trading at the end of June 2024 and we are no longer accepting new business

Training Workshops


Based on research with principals and staff from nursery, primary and post-primary sectors, LeonEdu have identified 5 key topics for our public training workshops. These are 3 hours highly interactive and experiential workshops designed to equip all school staff for the 21st century school. 

1. Bouncing Back

Developing Personal Resilience

One thing is for sure – the only constant we have is change. Do we resist it or do we adapt? And how can we learn the skills to do this? When things happen to us that are difficult, how do we respond and recover? A lot of what we call ‘resilience’ is down to how we think and where we believe we have influence over the situations we find ourselves in.

This workshop will teach you the key skills to begin to build sufficiency and resilient thinking and behaviours, in your systems, in yourself, in those around you. It will help you to begin to build resilient and flexible communities within your schools.

  • Change keeps changing
  • Resistance vs Resilience
  • You become what you think
  • Locus of control
  • Strategies for personal resilience

2. Exchanges

Handling Crucial Conversations

We all have to have challenging conversations, whether they be with peers, parents or pupils. We can get better at this by knowing people’s styles and preferences, learning about our own tendencies, what we avoid (move away from) and engage with (move towards.). 

This workshop will enable you to grasp the keys skills of listening, understanding, influencing and persuading and will equip you to engage in those challenge conversations with a suite of tools and a lot more confidence.

  • Communication styles and preferences
  • TA – Parent, adult and child egos
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Influencing and persuading
  • Giving constructive feedback

3: Empowering Others

Developing Coaching Skills

Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance. To get the best out of people, we have to believe the best is in there – but how do we know it is, how much is there, and how do we get it out? Coaching is a growth area in the professional world, based on the principle of asking rather than telling and helping people unlock their own solutions.

This course will give you some foundational coaching skills, like goal setting, active listening, asking powerful questions and seeing the potential in others. His will help change the emphasis of your relationships with the people you lead or are responsible for.

  • The benefits of coaching
  • Helping people to help themselves
  • Critical coaching skills
  • Practical coaching models for everyday life

4: Self and People Smart

Growing Emotionally Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand yourself and understand other people. It counts massively in our personal effectiveness, perhaps far more than our job skills and our intellect. It helps us to manage relationships, connect with those around us and manage our emotions, in good times and in challenging times.

This workshop will help you to do just that. It will give you techniques and tools self-management and people skills, and more importantly help you identify specific areas where you can get better at it.

  • IQ vs EQ
  • The keys of self-awareness and self-reflection
  • Managing emotions
  • EI techniques and tools
  • The emotional bank account

5: The Window

Giving Constructive Feedback

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” (Ken Blanchard). 

Feedback should be received with the positive intent in which it is given. That intent is to help you grow and reach your full potential. Yet many of us shy away from delivering feedback following a teacher observation, at parent/teacher interviews or in conversation with our teacher colleagues.

This workshop will help you to enhance the skills to deliver constructive feedback by providing a practical model to frame those important feedback conversations which are essential to personal growth.

  • Feedback linked to the communication process
  • EEC model for effective feedback
  • Different responses and behaviours – Jo-Hari Window
“A very worthwhile workshop. Great ideas and useful strategies to put into practice.”​