LeonEdu will cease trading at the end of June 2024 and we are no longer accepting new business

We are delighted to announce our Leader as Coach programme has retained its accredited status from the Association for Coaching for another 3 years.

Leader as Coach is one of our signature programmes and participants who complete the course can gain associate membership to the Association for Coaching.

To achieve accreditation, our Leader as Coach programme has proven to meet the high standards set by AC, including the application of their Coaching Competency Framework.  The programme also works within the AC Global Code of Ethics and provides practical experience to participants.

A recent graduate of the programme said “I feel this course was invaluable.  In my new role in school as VP, I have had a number of staff come to me wanting to solve or fix problems and issues.  This course has enabled me to structure meetings, ask the right questions and empower staff.

It has been refreshing to participate in a course that has covered so much and I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Coach Meet

For those who have completed our AC Accredited Leader as Coach Training, and who wish to continue in their journey towards an Accredited Award in Coach Training, Coach Meet provides an opportunity to engage in group supervision, to access additional coach training and input, and to participate in peer coaching.

What exactly is Coach Meet?

LeonEdu’s unique Coach-Meet Model encourages Co-coaching with opportunities

Your LeonEdu Coach will advise you on:

• What next? Following on from your 21 hours Training with us

• How to plan and carry out 20 Practice Coaching Hours

• How to manage 33 hours of self-study with the help of a relevant reading list.

• How to underpin your Coaching practice with a values framework.

Our Coach Meet members have direct access to a digital resource bank with recommended reading and self-study guidance

When is Coach Meet?

The aim is to run four online sessions over the next number of months, each lasting approximately 1.5 hours.

Proposed 2023 dates:

Thursday 26th January 3.30 – 5pm

Wednesday 22nd February 3.30 – 5pm

Thursday 23rd March 3.30 – 5pm

Tuesday 25th April 3.30 – 5pm

Sign me up for Coach Meet!

If you would like to join these sessions, please email janettetweed@weareleonedu.com